Summer Term 2023-24


Welcome to Year 2


Please see the link to our topic web for this term.

P.E kits

This term P.E lessons will normally be on different days of the week and so it is important that the children leave their kit in school all week. On top of their white top and green shorts they can wear a plain, black tracksuit (please adhere to this rule) for when the weather is cooler. There is a ‘Whirley’ tracksuit top that we are encouraging parents to purchase when they next buy a tracksuit for their child, as it helps to make the class look smart.

Reading books

In Year 2, the children will receive either one or two specific reading books a week (depending mainly on the length of the book). These books are to be returned the same day the following week, when they will then receive a new book or books.

The children will also bring home an ‘independent’ book from their colour band. This can be brought back to school any day of the week and the children will change this by themselves at an appropriate time during the school day. This will develop their independence and help ensure they have a book they think they will enjoy.

It is important that the children read as many days as possible with an adult. The conversations about the text are is important as the ‘actual reading’ Sometimes it is good for the parents to read to the children and then discuss with the children what they have read. There is a big emphasis on answering comprehensions questions in Year 2, giving a written answer.

Please do not focus too heavily on what colour book band your child is on. This is not always a key indicator of how well your child is understanding a text or ‘how good a reader they are’. Children can sometimes read words very well, but not necessarily truly understand what they are reading.

Author of the Term- Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl was a British author of popular children’s literature and short stories, a poet, screenwriter and a wartime fighter ace. His books have sold more than 300 million copies worldwide. Dahl has been called “one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th century”.

Our hook Texts this term will be:

Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl             Flat Stanley- Jeff Brown           The Night Gardner by the Fan brothers


Homework will be set on a Thursday and is to be returned by Tuesday the following week unless I let you know otherwise. It will usually be a maths, reading or writing activity. If it differs, I will send a note home to explain.

The task will usually come home in their homework book, but on occasions the task will be set on Class Dojo.

The children will also be set spellings each Thursday and will be tested the following Thursday. The children are encouraged to keep their spelling books in their school bag.

Water bottles and snack

The children are encouraged to bring a bottle to school each day with fresh water and a sensible snack for break time. Please do not send in juice for lesson times; if the children do bring juice then they will be asked to save it until lunch time. We would also ask you to consider carefully what snack you provide. We do not ‘police’ what the children bring in, but we do encourage healthy options and we would kindly ask you to support this.

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